Candid pics that claim to be of "Hannah Montana" star Miley Cyrus have popped all over the Internets in the past few days, and some of them are quite a bit too risqué for a freaking 15-year-old. The photos are said to have been ripped off her MySpace page.

Here are more Miley Cyrus candids that have been leaked. None of which have been "racy" as reported…Though she’s trying to impress someone.

I think "stupid move".

Here are more Miley Cyrus candids that have been leaked. None of which have been "racy" as reported…Though she’s trying to impress someone.

I think "stupid move".

Here are some recent comments from MySpace:
- she just want to get attention because she is a stupid girl with a wig that makes girls sing and that’s it . she wants fame la baby v or some other celebs:)
- ohhh ****
stop plzzzz
poor thing…she really wants attention - Um, the bikini ones were fine, but this is a little racy, no? The little brat is making publicity the best way Hollywood knows how. And don’t tell me it’s accidental. There’s no such thing as an accidental celebrity photo leak.
- Trying to be sexy isn’t going to help the poor thing. Is she any different then any other teen girl? NO
- give the girl a break
all people her age
think that pictures like that are cool
to take and post on ur myspace
just because she is famous doesnt suddenly make her a slot
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